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How is ozone made
12/10/2003 9:42:42 PM

 How is ozone made

Ozone is produced naturally through sparks and UV-Light, ozone is also produced commercially for many uses.  This will outline a few methods ozone is produced.


Ozone is Produced Naturally from Lightening During Thunderstorms.



 uv_ozone_creation (1).png

Ozone is Produced Naturally from UV Light from the Sun


These same methods of ozone generations can be used commercially for industrial ozone applications.  Great advancements have been made in the ozone industry to produce ozone more reliably and efficiently.


 Ozone Production from Corona Discharge

These same methods of ozone generations can be used commercially for industrial ozone applications.  Great advancements have been made in the ozone industry to produce ozone more reliably and efficiently.



Ozone Production from Corona Discharge

Oxygen flowing between an electrode and cathode produces ozone from a spark, more commonly referred to as Corona Discharge.



Ozone Production from UV Light


 uv_ozone_production_diagram (1).png

Ozone can be produced from a UV light tuned to the proper wavelength inside an enclosed chamber.


Ozone can also be produced directly in water using an electrolytic cell.  This method uses a current within the water to split the oxygen and hydrogen atoms, then converts the oxygen directly into ozone.  This is a fairly new commercial ozone generation method that may show great promise in the future.  At this time, this application has very limited application.

Commercial Ozone Generation

  • Corona Discharge (electrical discharge field)

    • High voltage spark at medium to high frequencies

    • Creates ozone at medium – high concentrations (up to 22%)

    • Most commonly used

  • UV Ozone Generation (photochemical)

    • Low concentration ( max 2% concentration)

    • Small ozone outputs

  • Electrolytic

    • Currently only small outputs

    • Ultra pure water is necessary

The most common method of ozone generation is corona discharge.  Due to the low operation costs, and improved reliability this will be the main method of ozone generation for many years to come.


Becodrive Company Limited




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